In a surprise win, presidential candidate Tom Tancredo Friday successfully tacked on an amendment to the Homeland Security appropriations bill that would withhold federal emergency services funding for "sanctuary cities" that protect illegal immigrants.
The House passed the amendment, 234 to 189, with 50 Democrats voting in favor. In the Iowa delegation, Democrats Bruce Braley and Leonard Boswell joined Republicans Steve King and Tom Latham in supporting the amendment; only Dave Loebsack opposed it.
The amendment does not define "sanctuary cities," but Tancredo uses the term to describe cities in which local police don't assist the feds in arresting the undocumented. He lists Denver and Boulder as examples. Last year, Tancredo and other immigration foes bought billboards in Denver, including one reading: "Welcome to SANCTUARY CITY."
Tancredo has introduced similar amendments at least seven other times since 2004, but each has failed —- often by wide margins. He told the Rocky Mountain News this is an indicator that the House would crush immigration reform if it passes the Senate.
"If I were Nancy Pelosi, I'd be asking if she could pass a vote on amnesty on the House side," Tancredo said. "If she lost 50 Democrats on this one, and she says she needs 70 Republicans to pass the immigration plan, this is an interesting indicator of things coming down the pike, and that the times, they are a-changing."
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