8 Nisan 2005 Cuma

Slightly Silly

Slightly Silly

The Blogger is off to help the parental units with the moving sale. There may or may not be road updates.

In the meantime, what with the UK election, a word from the Pythons:


"Well here at Luten, it's a three-cornered contest between, from left to right, Alan Jones, Sensible party, Tarquin fintimlimbimlimbim-whimbimlin Bus Stop Ftang Ftang Olay Biscuit Barrel, Silly party, and Kevin Phillips BONG, who is running on the Slightly Silly ticket. And here's the results:"


"Alan Jones ("Sensible"): 9,112.

Kevin Phillips BONG ("Slightly Silly"): Naught.

Tarquin Fintimlimbimlimbimwhinbimlin Bus Stop

Ftang Ftang Olay Biscuit Barrel ("Silly"): 12,441."


"Well there you have it, the first results of the Election there as the Silly party takes Luten. Norman?"

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