23 Mart 2006 Perşembe

New KCCI poll puts Culver in the lead at Political Forecast

New KCCI poll puts Culver in the lead
Chris at Political Forecast points us to a rare substantial primary poll:

Culver 33%
Blouin 16%
Fallon 13%
Undecided 38%

What does this tell us? For Culver it indicates name ID, either on his own, from Dad or from people who are hungry for a butter burger and malt. For Blouin and Fallon, it indicates core support because few outside the core activists are tuned in yet. Despite the resume and endorsements Mike Blouin hasn't made an impact on the average primary voter yet. Both Blouin and Fallon need to break through that barrier.

With four out of ten undecided, everyone has nowhere to go but up.

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