21 Temmuz 2005 Perşembe

Think Like Michael

Think Like Michael

As in Corleone. Whiskey Bar looks at the Roberts nomination and launches into a Godfather riff:

The Dems don't want to be like Fredo -- weak, insecure and eager to earn the good will of people who are inevitably going to be enemies of "the family." (That's where too many of them are at now.)

They shouldn't be like Sonny -- impulsive, emotional and a few quarts short of a full crankcase. Shrub is like that and it's usually what gets him into trouble. ("Bring 'em on!")

The Dems need to try to be more like Michael -- cool, analytical and totally pragmatic. "It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business."

So where's Tom Hagen? One would think the family lawyer would have some thoughts on the Supreme Court...

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