26 Temmuz 2005 Salı

Romney vetoes law on pill, takes aim at Roe v. Wade

Romney vetoes law on pill, takes aim at Roe v. Wade

In a written response to a questionnaire for candidates in 2002, Romney told Planned Parenthood that he supported ''the substance of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade," according to the group. Today, Romney describes himself as a ''pro-life governor" who wishes ''the laws of our nation could reflect that view."

Here's a guy who's clearly looking not to the politics of a Massachusetts re-elect, bit rather at the dynamic of a right-wing dominated GOP presidential nomination. And who loses? The women of Massachusetts. Go back to Utah where you came from, Mitt...

In other 2008 GOP news, Rick Santorum has bowed out - probably realizing he'll have a massive fight just to hold his seat.

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