2 Mart 2005 Çarşamba

California Democrats offer remap deal

California Democrats offer remap deal

"California Democrats have agreed in principle to allow an independent panel to take over redistricting as long as changes do not take effect until 2012.

The concession represents a partial victory for Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who believes the current state and federal district lines were gerrymandered to protect incumbents."

Looks like a stategic retreat to keep it off the ballot in AHnold's upcoming special election. Buys some time to work on the details. As I understand it, the current proposal calls for making disticts "competitive" using voter registration figures, which produced a more Republican map than if one uses a voting performance measure (since statistically Democrats are less likely to vote and more likely to move or otherwise have an outdated registration on the books). And the whole thing will ultimately have to go to court anyway.

But we'll be watching this one very closely.

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