21 Nisan 2006 Cuma

Litter On A Stick

Litter On A Stick

Ron Gunzburger at the amazing Politics1 writes:

I attended law school in Vermont, a state that entirely banned billboards because of the unpleasant 'visual pollution' of boards blocking the scenic view of trees. Contrast that with what is going on right now here in the Florida legislature: a bill is rapidly speeding towards passage, with little opposition, that would prohibit state and local governments from planting any trees in right-of-ways within 500 feet of billboards if the trees would obstruct the view of the signs.

This gives me the opportunity to pass on a couple great links:

  • Ron's own site Politics1, the ultimate resource for links to EVERY candidate in the country.

  • Scenic America, the little lobby group for clean, billboard-free highways. I summer interned for them waaaay back in the summer of `89. The summer internship in DC was an interesting adventure that I embarked on for the wrong reason (a redhead was involved) but I learned a lot and have had an aversion to billboards ever since.

    "Litter on a Stick" was our boss's soundbite for billboards, and I spent the better part of a week gluing together thousands of copies of a pop-up press release. You'd open it up and a little billboard that said LITTER ON A STICK would jump out. Tedious, but that's what interns are for.
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