10 Ocak 2007 Çarşamba

Loebsack on Kennedy Proposal

Loebsack on Kennedy Proposal

While W preps a speech that is as set in stone as a typical grave marker, Dave Loebsack is more in tune with Ted Kennedy's comments yesterday:
Freshman Rep. Dave Loebsack said Tuesday said he is sympathetic to legislation introduced Tuesday by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., that would deny the president the funds to pay for the additional troops unless Congress approved them. Money would still flow for troops already in the field in Iraq. "That makes perfect sense to me," Loebsack said.

Instead of sending more troops to Iraq, Loebsack said he would like the president to "begin immediate disengagement" over the next year.'

'The more troops we send, the more problems we have.'

80's nostalgia: Daniel Ortega is back in Nicaragua. All those arms for hostages, and still Ortega got elected in `85, got beat in `90 and freely left office, and now gets elected again. THAT was sure worth it, Ronnie Reagan, wasn't it?

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