12 Eylül 2010 Pazar

Late Sunday Stuff

Late Sunday Stuff

I've been in human being land since Friday night so I'm playing catchup. Missed the Harkin Steak Fry this year; O. Kay has a four part report on David & David.

Great album, they never made a second one.

But quote of day comes from Harkin himself: “I’m fed up with people sitting around and gazing at their navels and asking what it’s going to take to fire up… Winning campaigns are not about magic, or mood control… It’s about getting down to work… so friends, enjoy the festivities today. Tomorrow, we’ve got to go to work.”

It's debate season and Scary Terry and The Big Lug face off Tuesday night in Sioux City. All four 2nd CD candidates are slated to be at the Johnson County Task Force on Aging, Johnson County AARP and the Iowa City Press-Citizen forum at 2:00 tomorrow at the Coralville Public Library. Two more debates are planned but those will just be Loebsack and MMM.

Roxanne Conlin is still waiting for a full-fledged debate with Chuck Grassley, but in the meantime she'll be on the Pentacrest Tuesday for a 1:30 speech.

(Grassley's post-debate opinion of Conlin's looks got a Bonus Quote of the Day from Political Wire.)

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