28 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba

Dems Recruit Challenger for Kaufmann

Dems Recruit Challenger in House 79

No candidates filed with the Secretary of State today on Day Three for independents and third party state candidates, but it looks like the Democrats have found one more candidate.

An August 10 party convention is expected to nominate John Archer of West Liberty to run against a member of the GOP leadership, Wilton's Jeff Kaufmann, in House 79.

Archer looks like an unapologetic progressive in his letters to the West Liberty Index. Last month Archer wrote:
Real progressives believe everyone should be free to walk on the street without being harassed because our skin is a different color. Progressives want everyone to be free to marry who we choose as our partner. Progressives believe in the freedom of women to make choices about their health, and believe in the freedom to understand the world we live in even if it’s not written in English. And yes, progressives believe in the freedom to enjoy a restaurant meal without having to inhale smoke.
The Cedar County dominated district also includes the Highway 6 northern tier of Muscatine County from West Liberty to Wilton (where I got clobbered in 1996) and a small bit of eastern Johnson County.

Dems let this district go in 2008; a self-starter candidate filed and dropped out months before the election but failed to file the withdrawal papers. She got a third of the vote (and actually WON the Johnson County part) as just a name on a ballot with a D after it.

Before that, Democrats made several consecutive serious efforts against Kaufmann and predecessor Dan Boddicker, but they last held the Cedar County turf two redistrictings ago in the `80s, when it included Dave Osterberg's strip of southern Linn County.

This recruitment, which fills the last gap, means Democrats will field a full slate of candidates in Johnson County.

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