22 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

Appointment Postponed To Oct. 30

Board Appointment Postponed To Oct. 30

The appointment to the Johnson County supervisors will take two days longer than originally planned. The committee of three deciders pushed the appointment, originally planned for Oct. 28, back to Oct. 30.

The move was made to accommodate applicant Edgar Thornton's schedule. What does this do?

  • It puts the appointment two days before the legal deadline of Nov. 1, the 40th day after Larry Meyers' death.

  • It lands that much closer to the poor, overshadowed city election. You DO remember there's a city election, right?

  • It also gives petitioners who want a special election two more days to gather the 7,399 signatures they need. That deadline pushes back to Nov. 13, landing it on... Friday the 13th.

    Three interviews are done: City council member Mike O'Donnell, former student government president Maison Bleam, and self-starter Kenya Badgett. (Why didn't Bleam or Badgett run for city council?) But the real drama is tomorrow morning as former supervisor Mike Lehman and announced candidate Janelle Rettig interview back to back.
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