21 Aralık 2004 Salı

Good reason for keeping Iowa first

Good reason for keeping Iowa first

As an Iowa Deaniac I of course have extremely mixed feelings about the screw-Iowa dynamic building in the blogosphere. It seems to be growing of long term jealousy and some vengeance - blaming Iowa for inflicting Kerry on the rest of you.

But Caucus 04 was hardly a vacuum, we were simply the earth that everyone scorched. Granted, Iowa turned out to be the whole ball game. But the Iowa is Unrepresenative argument fades when you consider this:

"Steve Rosenthal (of ACT), profiled in the Wall Street Journal, "suggests Democrats place the five closest states from the previous general election (Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, New Mexico, and Wisconsin) first in the 2008 primary calendar to help tune up for fall battles."

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