12 Eylül 2006 Salı

Slow day, late night

Slow day, late night

Turnout is extremely low in Lone Tree and Clear Creek Amana, low in Iowa City, high in Solon. But Iowa City topped the all time low from 1992 (the election even I missed) before 3:00.

I did something weird today: I went to the polls. Oh, I always vote - save for that one oops in `92 - but given the nature of my job it makes a hell of a lot more sense to vote early at the convenient location three steps in front of my desk.

Last time I voted on Election Day was in the 1995 school election, because it was my stepson's 18th birthday that day and I wanted to go with him. This election I just felt like it. It had been so long I forgot how it works, and the pollworkers, who all knew me from the office, seemed to think I was just checking in and were pleasantly surprised that my visit was actually to vote.

Postmortem may or may not be tonight. Love ya Sam, voted for ya Sam, but write-ins just take a little longer to get counted. The RESULTS will be out tonight, but once I get home I may decide my sleep is a higher priority than my analysis.

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