4 Şubat 2009 Çarşamba

The Mentioner Misses Dean

The Mentioner Misses Dean

CQ goes through potential HHS names:
If Obama decides to pick a governor, Democrat Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas is a likely candidate... If Obama turns to Congress, possible picks include Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus , D-Mont., and Rep. Rosa DeLauro , D-Conn., a member of the House Appropriations subcommittee that oversees HHS spending. Other names surfacing included Democratic Sens. Barbara A. Mikulski of Maryland and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan.

Who's missing from this list?

And please, Mr. President, not Sebelius. You've already taken Vilsack and Napolitano out of the Senate challenger pool, and Sebelius is the only Dem who can concievably win Kansas.

Meanwhile, Kos diarists are plugging Dean, Tom Harkin, and Bill Bradley; all they need to add is Jesse Jackson and Gary Hart and you'll have my whole list of Deeth's Failed First Choices.

But the absence of Dean from the CQ insider list tells me its a non-starter. Wish someone would go on the record, even anonymously, as to what the problem is; I mean, Obama basically won the nomination by running Dean's campaign. I suspect it has to do with DCCC vs. DNC tensions. Dean had the 50 state small donor strategy, while Rahm was all about narrow targeting and big money. I assume, Rahm being Rahm, words were exchanged at some point.

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