26 Ekim 2008 Pazar

Season Ends on Smallest Farm

Season Ends on Smallest Farm

The forecast calls for 31 tonight and 28 tomorrow night, so today I picked the last harvest of the Smallest Farm -- a bag of basil -- and made my first homegrown pesto in years.

There's a few volunteers popping up that won't survive. A hot pepper plant by the compost pile actually produced two peppers, and there's a tomato plant sprouting too. Enough stuff fell ripe off the vines that I may have a decent garden next year without doing anything. (A long time ago I got volunteer sunflowers one year from mulching with gerbil litter.)

The second season spinach and lettuce planting got wabbitized. I'm close to ready to re-till and mulch with the fall leaves, but no time Nine Days Out.

It's too windy to rake today but I did learn that cardboard yard signs fly farther than paper. Three of my four signs crossed the street and one went a full block, but my Flip Yes sign is nowhere to be found. And I was just going to blame a drunk student (we live on a bar crawl home). So next time you blame someone for stealing signs, consider the elements. And don't forget to take them in next Friday for Halloween.

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