5 Kasım 2006 Pazar

Vote Suppression 101

Vote Suppression 101

Why get out the vote when you can get rid of the vote?
The Maryland GOP poll-watcher program, outlined in a 13-page document, states: "Your most important duty is to challenge people who present themselves to vote but who are not authorized to vote."

Jonah H. Goldman, director of the National Campaign for Fair Elections, said the program "raises serious concerns."

"When you have a political party telling people their Number 1 responsibility is to challenge voters, our ears certainly perk up," Goldman said. "This could either be intended to challenge voters in a discriminatory way or in a disruptive way. A lot of times, they just try to cause chaos and long lines."

Wonder how far and wide this sort of thing will be happening? At MyDD, Jill Tubman writes:

There are some folks laying in plans to create voter confusion, suppression, intimidation. There are also some people working hard to prevent another round of disenfranchisement aimed at low-income people, seniors and particularly, minority voters. Things like:
  • Harsh and Burdensome Voter ID Requirements
  • Barriers to voter registration
  • Provisional Ballots
  • Long lines and inequality in resource distribution at the polls
  • Disenfranchisement of citizens with past felony convictions
  • Emerging suppression strategies

  • It's too bad paper trail has sucked up so much energy that this stuff gets too little attention. That and same day registration: Despite all the warnings issued by Robot, I've had to tell too many people "I'm sorry, you missed the deadline, you can't vote" this week.

    Register has the best writing this morning:

  • A longer story on the final Iowa Poll and Chet Culver's nine point lead
  • The Overrated One is actually worth the link love with a Nussle: what went wrong? column
  • Rekha Basu looks at the big picture of Iowa agriculture:
    Denise O'Brien isn't just the better candidate for Iowa agriculture secretary, she's one of the most exciting candidates for any office in next week's elections. Even if agriculture isn't your issue, she's talking about our identity and quality of life as a state.

    Been so busy I completely missed Friday's Daily Iowan Dave Loebsack endorsement. As I write, I'm planning to be on the Ped Mall tonight for the big Obamarama, but if you're there and don't see me, I'll be happy to pass your thoughts and/or pics along.
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